Our Church Services
Here at Emmanuel we know that people enjoy connecting with God through a variety of different types of service; from an informal family service, to a traditional Holy Communion, we hope we have it covered.
Our 10:30am Morning Services typically follow a set monthly pattern;
1st Sunday of the Month – Holy Communion
A more traditional service, where all are welcome to come and share in the Sacrament or receive a blessing.
3rd Sunday of the Month – Creative Family Worship
Our whole Church family comes together in worship, including members of our Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade Companies and we worship together with crafts and other creative expressions. The atmosphere is friendly, with lots of interaction encouraged and space for babies and young children to move about, play and feel at home during the service.
Other Sundays during the month are led by either our own ministers or local preachers. Occasionally our monthly schedule may be adjusted to accommodate significant dates in the Christian calendar, incorporating special services.

A Junior Church is run each Sunday during morning service. All are invited to stay for refreshments after our morning services; it is a wonderful opportunity for us to spend time together and foster relationships within our church family.
We currently do not have any Evening Services.
The service plan for Basingstoke and Reading Methodist Circuit can be found here.