Welcome to Emmanuel Methodist Church!
Do come along to any of our church services or community events where you will always find a warm welcome.
We aim to build a home at Emmanuel where everyone can truly feel valued and cared for, as we worship and journey together in life.
God bless you and hope to see you soon!​
We are every day folk of all ages and walks of life united through our shared Christian faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a local and gathered community we represent many nations and nationalities which adds to the richness and diversity of our congregation.
We want to be a church family where each person can find their true value and grow as disciples of our loving God.
We meet every Sunday on the Oxford Road at 10:30am. See our services page for more detailed information about what to expect.
We also gather at other times for prayer, Bible study, handicrafts, networking, DIY, film nights and social events, to name but a few!
For our children and young people we have uniformed groups including Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade and a thriving Junior Church and crèche on Sundays.
"All are important ways of getting to know one another and our amazing God."

Basingstoke & Reading Circuit